MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS What members receive.
I.S.S.E.S OFFICERS Officers, name, postal address, telephone & e-mail addresses.
I.S.S.E.S Contact (June 2020 Edition
BACK ISSUES Catalogue of available I.S.S.E.S. Bulletin back issues
FOUNDING FATHERS Stationary Steam Engine Pioneers.
ENGINE ANIMATIONS Steam Engine Animations
STEAM ENGINE CARD MODEL Ed Bertschy’s Paper Steam Engine
U.S. ARTICLE #1 I.S.S.E.S. Bulletin Article from U.S. Notes and News.
U.S. ARTICLE #2 I.S.S.E.S. Bulletin Article from U.S. Notes and News
U.K. ARTICLE #1 I.S.S.E.S. Bulletin Article from U.K. Notes and News.
U.K. ARTICLE #2 I.S.S.E.S. Bulletin Article from U.K. Notes and News.
HP CALCULATOR An Excel Workbook for calculating steam engine horsepower
AUSTRALIA Membership application for Australians.
USA & CANADA Membership application for North America.
UK & ALL OTHER Membership application for UK & all others.
STEAM PUMPSSteam Lizard Gallery.
LINKS Other stationary steam engine sites.